Friday, 29 April 2011

8m steady airport hill long variation

Lost some time on the hills, 30 seconds on the first one and another 20 on the second.

Other than that, it was a great to have the sun out as the rain was spitting as I set off.

Tenke was delayed for "personal reasons" - the rest of the story is censored.

2nd fastest time for this loop.


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

7m 5x800m reps at Bout du Monde

Track session today.

Tried out the 800m reps and managed 5 at under 4min mile pace (just over 6min miles).

Pleased to see them get stronger and last one was 3mins dead.

Looking at the HRT I could have gone harder earlier, but glad I did not as last two were hard.


Better route back to gym

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

8m steady airport hill long variation

Not so fast today, but still not a bad effort.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

5.5m Eaux-vives Recovery

After the race, recovery. Easy does it.


Saturday, 16 April 2011

7.5m Race: Aubonne to Signal de Bougy

Richard was very enthusiastic when I called him about this race on Thursday night. But by race day, is daughter told me he'd gone to Geneva for the day to avoid the race.

This is a local one for me and a recent long run with the aforementioned Richard proved very useful in helping me pace myself and in managing the hills as I knew a) they were super steep and b) they were super long. Thus, only way to keep moving on the hill is to go super slow and hope that means hrt stays under max. Plenty I saw failed this and partook in the walk of shame as I ran past them.

At the start it was super low key. Two teams of footballers were bemused to find their pitch covered in Lycia clad runners all warming up for the event.  To my dismay the start was pointing down to the lake and I quickly realised this was another 1,000 ft climb run. I decided to start last and make my way though the field finishing strong. At the back the guys around me looked ripped, well equipped and like they would destroy me. Not a strand of cotton in sight.

I set off and was blocked in a bit, but managed some verge dancing to get to the 4:30 min km people and tried hard not to move too far up the field. Everyone looked like they were taking it easy. Down, down, down for 4km. You can see what is coming, the hill looms above you and I could see the lead guys a km or so ahead 100m up and on the other leg of the switch back. Tough km.

Next was nice along the little roads with great views down to Rolle and I picked out the buildings around my place. I caught the kid from the TPV races, he was struggling. Caught a lady, then starting pegging back a guy in a blue top. Sharp left and a big downhill where he puts his arms out like an airplane and flies down the hill, I burst out laughing and he turns and says he needs to conserve the energy in his arms. We run side by side up the next sheer climb. It hard going and very slow, but I am determined not to stop. Just before the top he stops and swears as I pull away. I later saw him finish some 5mins behind me.

Now it is getting silly. I know exactly where we are and the route is straight up. No more switch backs just climb. I am struggling to overtake the walkers but do manage a few of them who are very encouraging. I over take a couple more people on the hill to the cheers of the small crowds.

On the dirt track into Signal - Katja and the kids are there which is a great boost. 400m to go so I kick even if the hill is not done and red line home. 200m to go and I time it just right to hit max hrt at the line and pick of one more competitor right at the funnel.

1,000 climbed, 11.4km run but the climb only started after the 4th km.

Great atmosphere and nice post race goodies, apple, energy bar and a very nice thermos. I'll definitely add this route to my long runs and would definitely recommend for next year.


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

4.7m out slow, back fast

Was going to be an easy run, but decided to accelerate back (with help of the wind behind me).

Last three km were done at the magic sub seven min mile pace :)  Not sure how long I could live in zone 4 though.....


Thursday, 7 April 2011

8m threshold airport hill long variation

Great run today, felt strong and the sun was out and the views to the mountains were stunning. Took a gel before I started and another at the water fountain on the way back which was just the ticket.

I was working today, 78% of max and it felt hard but do-able. Tenke kept me honest, just drifting in front to hold the pace up if I dropped of slightly.

New course record set today of 1h zero minutes and 42 seconds, making the prospect of a sub one hour 8 miler a distinct possibility. I was 22 seconds faster than previous best, with a 4 bpm extra effort making the difference.

This shows I think that the combo of swiming, intervals, long and slow runs plus the thresholds work.

Ski-ing in Verbier this weekend so not much running activity likey this weekend.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

5.0m Rolle Perroy

My classic five mile loop.

Did it in 36:47 today, which is only 30 seconds away from a pb.

No garmin so the sats are from the pb setting run back in mid feb. Garmin.

No drama today, thought about going flat out for about a mile then decided to drop to steady, then at mile 3 forgot to speed up on the down hill section, so gave up through mile 4 and then mile 5 came from nowhere and was super quick taking me home in a near record time!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

13.5m Nyon Rolle

Slow slow slow.

Even slower than the last time I did this route with Richards, his promisse of speed never came.

Still managed to escape zone 1 into zone 2 a few times. Super easy and felt like a walk in the park.

Just too slow. We did this route together a month ago and today we were a full 7 minutes slower.

Oh dear. At least we avoided the rolling around in the grounds of the Prangins castle.....


Friday, 1 April 2011

3m 8x 400m reps

Very pleased with this set.

Took the bus, but Tenke ran.

She arrived as I cleared rep 6 of 8. Note how the last 2 with Tenke were faster!

The hrt spikes were a joy to look at and the speed was there today. 1:19 for most of them, getting faster most of the way with the last two 1:16 and 1:15 thanks Tenke.
