Saturday, 31 December 2011

5.3m Allaman to Rolle

Last run of 2011, I woke up to the sound of the torrential rain battering the metal roof and I felt like I really did not want to be out in that.

We needed to do some shopping at a the Allaman centre and my lovely wife had a brain wave, run back! So I did.

Turned out to be much shorter than I thought so had to add the port and back in to make it just over five miles.

First mile was down and I was disappointed at how slow it was. Next once was up back to Perroy and I pushed up the hill but still slower! On the clip back to Rolle the effort was finally rewarded with some speed and I held it, and even accelerated a bit, through the final mile back to the apartment. 7:46 ave so under TRP and happy.


Monday, 26 December 2011

16m Signal, Arboretum, Ikea, Perroy

I needed to do a long run and today fitted the bill. Cold, crisp and clear as a bell could see for miles and miles and the mountains were covered in snow. Superb.

I am never really sure when I set of to go up the hill if I will really have the energy or will power to go right up to signal. Mile 2 was 13 something minutes, which is a record. It is so steep I have previously taken 14 minutes. Getting up to signal is one thing, recovering and getting any speed back after that killer start is a big ask.

There was still snow up here and ice had formed on some trails as a thing layer over the water and mud underneath. Had to pick my way through the frozen horse ruts and realised that I needed to be careful as breaking an ankle or leg here would probably mean a long wait to be found.

Popped out of the forest and there was a guy next to a car on the road that who was wearing a dear stocker hat smoking a pipe. He echoed my cheery bonjour. Round the farm towards the forest that leads to the Arboretum. Here I made an error on the way into the forest. 3 trails and middle one is marked up keep out military area unexploded bombs and live firing. So I went left and got promptly lost in the forest. 2 dead ends with the bomb sign so no way was I risking the just "keeping going" option. Once I was actually was over the tree across the path before I stepped on a sign. I picked it up and scraped off the mud, you guessed it - it was the bomb sign. I knew where I was as I glimpsed the chalet at the top of the far lake in the Arboretum and could hear and sometimes see the Aubonne river. However, the small trees growing up in the middle of the path did imply nothing had been along here for a long time. 

Finally, I could see a line of snow in the forest which I figured must be a path, got to it and it was. 100m along it there was a junction and I was saved - back on known trails.

Down and tried to pick up the speed. Finally, it came and by mile 10 I was doing sub 8 min miles and held that back to Rolle. Through Perroy I decided to make it 16 by going past the castle and out to the port and back. I had to really concentrate to keep the effort steady and the pace below 8 min miles. But I did and was pleased enough with the day's adventures.


Saturday, 24 December 2011

5m Rolle Classic with Jason

Jason descended from his place to great me with the wonderful news that he'd got a job! So we set of happily into the mist and were thankful that the rain that had battered the building all night and was still falling when Jason left his house had suddenly stopped.

After the highest point, Jason admitted that:

a) He was not feeling well
b) The last time he had been for a run was 1 month ago, with me on the same route!

I felt he that b) should cancel out a) as he'd be fresh and fully tapered!

Then Jason added reason c) the chocolate and biscuit Christmas ddiet he'd been following was not helping either.

Keeping to 8 min miles was not going to be easy, 24 lost on mile one and another 5 and 6 on miles two and three. Then Jason decided to "recover" at the castle and let me catch the lost time. So I did. Tanked it along the lake front to the end of the port and accelerated back at a reasonable clip and wondered why I could not see Jason who I expected to be jogging out to meet me. In fact he had sneaked around the back of the castle and was loitering with intent to sprint past me on the way back up the last hill to my house. I kicked for home and at the top of the hill was 0.2 miles short so had to run along the top road behind the apartments and back to get the full 5.

I made the time back no problem. 7:22 and 7:00 - happy days, 39mins for the 5 miles.

Lovely chat and a cuppa with Jason afterwords.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

6.1m Airport hill in slush

Wet rain on top of snow. Decided to go again and no-one wanted to come!

Did the airport hill traditional direction first and made the error of trying to do the lower field. The top path was just about visible, but after the turn to come down the path vanished under the wet snow. The rain had left a layer of snow on top of the grass which covered the mud and water. There was not enough snow to offer any grip and I crashed down the hill pretty much out of control and only just managing to stay up right. Wet and muddy along the bottom and I was a puddle dodger in extremis as I did not want to be wet in the cold.

Top was slushy and wet. Woods were not anywhere near as nice as they where on Monday now the snow has half gone.

This time no gloves, so ran with the sleeves of my top tucked around my hands to keep them warm. More comedy running. 


Monday, 19 December 2011

5.5m Airport hill in the snow

Out with AT today and it was a run in the snow.

We did the airport loop a la Pierro, that is Place des Nations first. The snow was falling and the far woods were particularly dramatic with the leaves all gone from the thin elegant trees with their dark silhouettes  emphasised by the pure white of the snow.

We avoided bottom field as it looked pretty, but not conducive for running.

In general it was crispy underfoot and the snow was dry enough to offer enough grip to run safely.

In my comedy ski gloves, my fingers were toasty warm, even if I looked rather comical.


Friday, 16 December 2011

10m the High Line

Bit of a high up theme developing to my New York running.

My buddy had told me about something I'd read about a few years ago that I decided to try out. The High Line is a disused elevated railway that has been transformed into a park. It features nature sections, boardwalks, traffic viewing areas, sun loungers, cafes and some modern art thrown in. 

I figured I could reach it by running up the west side along the footpath/cycle way to pier 51 and then cut in and try and get on to it.

That pretty much worked and the wind blew hard and I admired the waterfront which has obviously had a ton of money spent tarting it up. I got to break state law by running on the cycle path but I had no choice as the running/walking path was closed in places for "restoration".

I got my first glimpes of the High Line at pier 51 as planned and then had to figure out how best to coss six lanes of fast moving traffic. Found a pedestrian crossing and pressed the button furiously as the wind whipped in hard. A lady jogger on the other side was doing the same thing. Got over the road and then was disappoint to find the High Line stairs fenced off and a team of very big guys doing some kind of construction work. I spied a glass elevator and slipped into that popping out in the middle of the crew and ran through them and was gone before they worked out I was probably not meant to be there. The wind was seriously strong at times but that did not take away from a very impressive and pleasant side of new york.  The tracks have been preserved in places and I wondered why it shut down with so many millions going in and out of the mega city each day.

At the end I was in a grotty part of town and spied where NYC keeps all it's snow shovels for the snow truck. Under a disused flyover that look like it once connected to the High Line. Headed to the Hudson and back down the paths to make a loop and then same way home. Wind behind on the return helped!


Thursday, 15 December 2011

6m Brooklyn Bridge

I set off with a loop in mind that would take me round the bottom of Manhattan Island and then over the brooklyn bridge footpath.

The tall buildings did not help garmin get a signal so I made my way to the waterside where sure enough it worked. Found the cycle way and was rewarded straight away with views over to the statue of liberty as dawn broke.

Round the statten island ferry, through Battery Park and then I took a footbridge over the main road a bit too soon as I missed city hall and was back on the other side of the island underneath the bridge I wanted to be on.

A guy in a blue top was on the other side of the road so I just followed him and sure enough in a few minutes I was on the footpath over the Brooklyn bridge. Awesome. Stunning. Massive. Highlight of the trip to NY. Ran as far as the welcome to Brooklyn sign then headed back for the hotel along Water street.


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

4m in the Andaz, Wall St. New York

Made it down to the gym and after a false start where I managed to program the treadmill to go faster than I could actually run, I got it to do a double hill over 30 minutes at 5 min per km.

I hate treadmills, but this experience was one of the better ones. Around 15 minutes in I was brought a bottle of water and after 20 minute a towel. Pretty impressed with that service!


Thursday, 8 December 2011

5m easy classic rolle route

After a long week last week and two fast sessions this week I decided to ease off and just whip out the classic 5m loop.

No drama, but still felt the effort and was tired from lack of sleep and not enough rest.

Left the hrt strap at work.


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

6.3m 6x 1km reps in the rain

I wanted to do something fast and even with the rain lashing down I still felt the need to get out.

Popped a gel, put my cap on and got wet.

Lake side the Saleve was snow covered at the top.

I pressed the 6 by 1km on with 1 min recovery.

By the start of rep 3 I felt like death.

I could not keep the effort for the whole rep and felt like I'd gone far to fast on the first two.

But in the end wind and rain there was a 20 second spread on the with verses against the wind reps!


Monday, 5 December 2011

6m punchy airport hill

Usually it is all about the excuses. Today I surprised my self with this, rather stonking performance and I set of today with low expectations.

Having done a 43 mile week I felt that 5m at TRP would be fine.

I set off and quickly caught sight of a lady in a grey beanie hat. Overtook her and then into a very slippery lower field. Went through mile one in just over 8 mins. Ops too slow.

Focused on the hill. Worked hard. Only downer was the lack of HRT data, so impressed with the quick satellite detection I missed the lack of HRT!

At the top only 8:26. So enough to bring it back in line and suddenly... I saw the grey beanie hat again and went for it. 7:26 then pretty much held that and finished with a 6:25 mile at the end. 

Whoop Whoop!


Saturday, 3 December 2011

16.5 St. Prex and back

Nice long run, easy for the first 11 or so then tried to get up to TRP which was hard work in the wind.

The path through the woods next to the Aubonne river was lovely, except at one point as I was coming back right next the water there was an all mighty splash right next to me that caused me to jump and cry out. I stopped running and had look at what had landed in the water, it sounded like someone had chucked a big stone in the water. Then I saw a black tail flick and a big fish swim away!


Friday, 2 December 2011

7m slow Rolle Perroy extended loop

The mountains were jet black silhouettes framed by pastel clouds lit lightly by the sun which had yet to climb the highest peaks.

Very dramatic. Everyone was gone nice and early so I decided to do a shade more than the usual mad 5m dash. Took it easy and enjoyed watching the sunrise and near ran home after 2 miles by mistake. Did the same at mile 4, forgot I was running the route backwards and nearly came home too soon.

In Perroy a man was delivering an entire pallet of parsley, as you do.

In the last stretch along the vineyards I was chased by a tractor, but I was too fast for it. He never managed to over take me.

Garmin was not locked on when I started and took about a mile, hence the 14m for mile one which was more like 2 miles!
