We got there nice and early, parked up at the highest and most dry part of the mud park where the cars were being directed to. Enjoying our pre race cuppa, I enquired if the rookie I was with had remembered to vasaline his nipples. For some reason Ken found this rather amusing and the tone of the day was set as we collapsed in fits of laughter.
This event went like clockwork, great officials, loads of happy marshals and signs everywhere telling you where to go. Did not even have to Q for the loo for more than a few seconds. Slick stuff.
Race plan was basically to shuffle to the back and then drift through the pack at around 8 min/mile pace - I'd promissed to stick with Kenny for the first 10 miles after which I reserved the right to maintain some kind of dignity and push on to see what I could do even with a chest full of muck.
I had a coughing fit at mile two which caused some attention, but Kenny asured the runners within earshot that it was nothing to worry about, just the Bubonic Plague!
Had some great fun on the decents, whizzing past tons of surprised people. GPS clocked us at sub six on the first decent!
We stuck to the race plan. Moving up through the pack is great for the brain and we just kept at it until 10miles, where I ratched up a gear and let the heart rate get up to normal race pace rate and went for home. OK until half mile out and had to pause for a bit before picking up at 400 to go and then again at 200 to finish with a sprint.
Really enjoyable day with a final time of 1h 43m 08s. Kenny was only 60 seconds behind me and delighted to have smashed his PB by around 13 minutes. Nice.
Final fun was watching the cars being towed out of the muddy field by the tractors. Priceless.
Pictures of Ken:
Pictures of Niall:
Disappointed by the heal strike (locked knee too) also hint of a toe push there as well. Still, it was mile 12!
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