With the kids in ski school each morning that meant I'd be ski-ing with my dear wife, Katja. She is rather good and this is not surprising considering she was brought up on skis. Normally, this means I ski at my limit until I catch her waiting for me halfway down a run and just as I arrive huffing and puffing she shoots off to the bottom. Grrrr.
This year I discovered how to ski quickly. Suddenly it just happened. I was going really fast and not in fear of death. Skis pointing down hill I could make tight turns or traverse to slow down and it really was rather fun. Next thing I know I'm at the bottom. Legs hurt, then I think hey where's Katja. Next thing I see her come down and while she looks 1 million times better than me I am at the bottom before her. An all time first for me. Perhaps it is because she's not well. Perhaps it is because her skis are 23 years old (not anymore, she's got new ones now!).

Then it snowed on Weds and Thurs was amazing. Some of the runs they just left and so there was power on the slopes. Total joy to ski on and the resort was almost empty. One run we did it looked like we were first to ski on it. On the T-bar up we made the first traces on the run.
Just for fun I put the Garmin on on Friday and not including the lifts, so pure skiing only, in the morning we cleared 11.65 miles in 43mins 55s. (2hours 30mins "skiing") ave. speed was 16 mph and my max was 40 pretty much all done in zone one.
The thermal pools were great too. Lots of jets of water to point at sore muscles.

Found the gym one day and did some rowing, weights, bike and some circuit training type stuff.
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