Friday 16 November 2012

11.6m lost behind the airport

It was cold and cloudy and I thought the reverse Webster uni loop would be fun.

A blue topped guy over took me by following the dual carriage way instead of my nice trails. When our routes rejoined he was a fair bit ahead.

I decided to follow the route as far as the château. Then I thought I could do part of the route Laurence showed me. That seemed like a good plan to add a couple of km onto the loop.

I quickly had no idea where I was, so cut back and was certain that I was heading back to the woods to take me back to my airport hill loop.

I saw a path I thought would get me back to the railway, but pushed on sure there was another. Followed the road then some trail and was sure the parcours vita was the one in the woods I know. I was very wrong.

I followed the trail up and on, past an industrial compost site and now the aircraft appearing out of the fog above me were only a few metres above my head. Surely I'd get to my crossing over the motorway soon. I crossed under a tunnel and followed some more trails. Lost. Very lost.

Crossing with France, Coppet, geneva and geneva indicated. Went for one geneva and guessed well. One sign read geneva 9km. I'd already run 11. Eek.  Finally a sign for Pregny-Chambesy and I was saved - 5km out and I could see the airport corner where I could cross and the motorway bridge.  Very very confused. And very tired.

Had done 19km by the time I got back to the office. Ops.

Looking at the map, I could have turned at 7km and been ok. I could also have gone straight on at 7.5km and been ok too. The tour of Colly-Bossy was also completely uncalled for.


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