Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Tuesday Intervals with Rocket Lockets

Big turn out today, some 16 at the meeting point and by the off on rep one there were pretty much 20 cats purring along.

After discovering the path was closed again beyond the humped bridge over the side canal (that's the 1200m point btw) the same session as last time was opted for. 3:30 on with 2:30 recovery four times followed by 8 times 30on 30off (4 out 4 back no recovery in the middle).

Through rep one I made a determined attempt to stay behind Karen to check the speed and not blow up from going too fast through rep one (good plan eh Simon?). Anyways the back group was particularly large today with Martin making a rare appearance at the canal. On the way back I was pleased to have jogged through the elite, which meant I was way behind the others in "my" group on rep 2 and 4, but kept with it on 1 and 3. Couple of times Karen and Sarah were kicking in turn through the reps to keep the boys at bay.

On the short ones I was pretty steady keeping up with Karen and Sarah - went past them on the last one, but got the distinct feeling they could have gone with me if they were bothered.

Felt good and fast. Was clearing more than 1km in the 3:30 so very pleased with that.

First Assembly League on Thursday so resting up for that.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Lazy Like Sunday Morning

Kenny was struggling with his sore leg and Legends footy the day before, Dave had exhasted himself with a Duathalon on MK and Paul was pushed for time. I was tired in general and from the Hairy Hound on Friday.

It really was the elusive "easy run", out to Wheathampstead the usual way, but up to Devil's Dyke which was a bit muddy but someone had put some wooden stepping stones in the muck so it was ok really. Kenny ducked out just before the Devil's Dyke.

Paul cut back on the road before Nomans Land common, so just Dave and I finishing the loop.

I much prefer the end climb up the footpath before Dark Lane, much nicer than Piggots Hill or Crabtree Lane or Station Road.

9 miles in a long time, but the heart rate did not go above 128. No drift at that pace!

Friday, 27 March 2009

Hounds and Hare

I caught the Hare!

I was feeling ever so sluggish and achy on the jog down to the start. I got there with plenty of time to spare. There were a few useful looking new comers at the chilly start and even more in the lobby. Downed a gel and ditched my running jacket. Popped out with 4 seconds to go - cutting it a bit fine and off I went with three cats just in font and started reeling them in from the off. Caught Aisha after about a mile, but was gobsmacked when this dude creamed past me at 6 min mile pace after a about the same. Thought about going with him for about 2 seconds and eased off to let him put some distance between us. He was looking at a map so I gave him some directions and he pulled away through horse guards. Could see the field ahead of me strung out and started closing the gap to the next bunch along the bottom of st. James' park. Coming up and out of St. James' onto the Mall I noticed the barriers were up, the lights just changed in my favour and Clive and Charlie and another were already on the other side of the road on the park side of the barriers. I went wide and cut through the road side and back in on the right of the Green Park hill. By now level with this group. Injected some pace to pull away and the look on Clive's face as I went past was inspirational. Charlie's encouragement was appreciated as I started to think about the next guys to catch. Hard work around Green Park, but kept it going and then suddenly I got across the Mall right at the Buckingham Palace end and now it was game on as some of the guys in front had not crossed yet. My gel kicked in and the heart rate stabilised and the legs stopped hurting and the runners in the distance started getting closer and closer. On the return onto Horse Guards parade I take another - go through wide - get more green lights and am getting close to a guy running in black. I'm holding his pace and trying to sneak inches on the racing line. Along embankment we pick of some more of the slower guys including the hare and I'm still not getting any closer to this guy in black. He spots Andy stuck and lights and kicks to catch, I match. Lights change and he just gets past a tour bus and I somehow get between it and the next tour bus. I'm thinking it's only a four minute rep to the finish. Go! Go! But what's this Andy and man in black are racing hard less than 800m to go and they've both kicked, again I match the new speed - but I just can't close them down. 400m out I'm thinking 2min reps - but I'm already at that speed, now it is kick for the line and I'm in red line mode all the way to the finish. Just piped Andy to the line, but couldn't catch the MIB.
32:15 - second fastest time ever for this race and that's 6:30s held for 5 miles or 8km at 4:04 min / kms so I'm getting closer to the pace I need for the magical sub 40 10km target. That's a 51 second improvement since Jan. Chuffed to bits.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Tuesday Intervals with Rocket Lockets

Made it in good time to the meeting point today, but fellow back groupers Karen and Martin were late and arrived at the canal disadvantaged having had to tank it up there.

Today's session was backwards and forwads to and from the - and I quote "1200m" point. Elite gave themselves 3 1/2 mins on with 2 1/2 recovery giving a 6 min cycle. We did that 4 times.

I was getting to about 200m short of the elite in 3 min 30s, which made it 1km reps at serious speed for me. Pace was 3:30 / min kms on that basis.

Held Karen and Sarah's pace through the long reps and came into form on the last set of short reps.

By some fluke I ended up leading the back group from the 4th set of short reps through to the finish.

Steve was just ahead through the 7th fast rep, at the off on the 8th and final we were under the last bridge and on the narrow bit of the towpath he darted through a gap between a pedestrian and a bike, but I saw it coming and just made it through the same closing gap and held his pace as I counted down the seconds. I made it twenty gone when he looked at his watch. That's a tell tale that they won't come with you if you kick, so I let rip and cruised past him much to his annoyance. Why do you always HAVE to finish ahead of me? was his complaint. To be fair and as Steve was at pains to point out, I was nowhere on the earlier long reps. But hey, the main thing is everyone saw me finish the last rep ahead of him (again). And that's what counts......

Friday, 20 March 2009

Friday Short Faster Run

Felt the need to do something, nothing in particular in mind.

Mark wanted to go short and fast, so we did. I was still feeling yesterdays Locket Rockets session and we did the Westminster loop - but as Millenium bridge was full of tourists we cross over at Blackfriars. Worked out ok, but just before Jubilee Gardens I was thinking the pace was a bit too punchy and just then Mark piped up with the same thought. His plan was to kick at Embankment and hammer it back to Millenium where he'd wait for me.

I was seriously impressed when he went off, just cruised away effortlessly. Had 70 seconds on me by the bridge. The climb up to Blackfriars on the return was hard work!

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Thursday at Lockett Rockets

New recruit to the Lockett Rockets today, I took along a runner from work I know who expressed an interest in intervals. Let's call him Simon, because that's his name.

Made it to the meeting point in good time and no Mr Lockett and only 8 or so cats, hung around until 12:37 before pushing off up to the canal.

I hadn't been on Tuesday, but they'd done pyramids so wanted something fast and I chipped in with a suggestion of something simple. 75 on 45 off 12 sets, 6 out six back. Everyone ready? Away!

Simon glances sheepishly down at his bare wrist then notices Justin does not have a watch either. "How will you know when the time is up?" he asks, Justin shrugs, I just know when the time is down, I count or watch for the guy in front. 15 seconds in and the order is naturally sorted I'm tucked in behind Sarah and Justin is breathing down my neck. But what on earth is this - Simon hammers past grinning like a Cheshire cat and pulls away on rep one holding the pace of the elite. I nearly catch him on the recovery, but at the off he's gone again and Justin asserts himself in front of me and Simon mullers rep two. He's not smiling anymore though. At the end of rep three I look back and he's gone. Dropped like stone. I can't even see him. Next time I catch sight of him is on rep 10 (which he joins in on) and then I peg him back through rep 11 and take him on rep 12.

Rep 12 had Steve catching me and he claims he would have got me if the two guys with the canoe on the ramp at the lock had not passed the cyclist coming the other way right at the end of the rep had not blocked the path for him - te he I saw the gap, but left the pace injection to the last moment so he couldn't follow me through!

It was a lovely sunny day and at the end of rep five Sarah was obviously feeling the heat so decided to take off her t-shirt to reveal her mini top underneath. The three tramps on the bench all had their eyes popping out their heads and their jaws dropped and tongues hanging out at that spectacle. She was amused by that story too, not often that much flesh is revealed on the canal at this time of year.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Wheathampstead 1km reps

Set out on a glorious morning shorts and no winter kit. Dave and Kenny not 100%. Bums and tums had taken its toll on Dave again (not to mention the combat attack session) and Kenny was looking to press home his recovery after calf problems at Berko.

Jogged out to the start of the 10km course on Marford Lane, taking the high road through the fields.

Kenny had not managed to upload the course to his Garmin, but Dave had so he set his to "do course" and I set mine to 1km intervals with 2mins recovery. Dave's Garmin got us right on the start line.

Off we went and the fundamental flaw in the plan was quickly evident. If I was setting the pace, but Dave was the navigator then we had a problem. Dave solved this by just running the distance steady and skipping the recovery. This worked well enough, I had to show him how the compass mode worked - but he was "on course" more than "off course". Most of the session was spent listening to the Garmin telling me I was not going fast enough. Now tell me something I don't know. Stupid thing.

Rep one was tough uphill and coming to the end I was surprised to see Kenny sitting on my shoulder. Even more surprised when he was screaming along behind me on rep two. However, by rep three he was limping back at walking pace with the calf playing up again. He headed home and we pushed on.

Met up with Kenny again before the narrow bridge into Marford Park and he was not looking good as he hobbled along.

The reps averaged out at around 4:20 - best was 4:07 worst 4:30. Felt much harder than it should have and perhaps there is something to be said for an "easy" week sometime soon.

Came back on Ash Grove to go along a footpath I've never done before which was not that great but another "whats over there" question solved.

Saw Laurence from Fit Village heading home and got a toot from him to keep us going to the end.

Drove back to Wheathampstead looking for Kenny and couldn't see him so stopped off at his house and was pleased to see his trainers just outside the front door. He managed to shuffle home ok.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Chasing Phantoms to Hyde Park

I thought I'd arranged to meet Alan and Simon at 11:40, so when I turned up at 11:43 I assumed they'd set off on the Hyde Park loop.

I decided to run it in reverse, cutting every corner to shave off the distance. I expected to catch them on their way back while I was still out going.

No sign of them at all by Green Park by which time I was feeling the reps from the day before and the legs were heavy. Made it into Hyde Park and had to stop for a moment to recover. Picked up a bit out to the big bridge. By this time I was half way and new I would not find them.

Thought I saw them in Green Park, but turned out to be another false alarm. Came back as if returning on the Hound and Hare route and the speed memory kicked in as by the time I hit embankment it felt good again and I mullered the last section.

I was running free of electronics, but according to the clock at reception I did the 7.07 miles in 55mins, that's 7:46 pace or a 1:41 half or a 48m 10km. It felt much, much harder than that.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Thursday Intervals with Rocket Lockets

Today was let's do something different. Only two reps, but 15 mins each with 3 recovery. Idea was the elite do laps of the park once we've made it there but I only made it to the road in the park. 2.2 miles out and back, at er, em 6:47 pace, I need to get that down to sub 6:30 if I am ever to break the magic 40 over 10km.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Very short slow run

Easy run with Brian in the rain, slow, short and so much easier than going to the canal!

Westminster loop, all 4.19 miles of it in the rain. Pace was a pathetic 8:13 min miles but it did feel like no effort so that's something.

Time on feet.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Brocket Hall Loop

Only three of us today as Kenny was still out injured following last week's race.

I've been wanting to do this loop for a while and although there had been some rain, I did not think it would be too muddy by the river so we went for it. Water-end Lane was looking good with the ford in full flow. Another memorable moment was the climb into the Brocket estate - sheer wooded uphill. Only a few golfers out this early and I always enjoy the run over the broadwater bridge.

Got a bit confused on the way back - after appearing on a road from a field and standing scratching our heads of a bit, a really helpful guy in a green land rover reversed up to help us out. Turns out I was right and we should have turned off earlier, but no worries as the road we were on took us to the John Bunyan pub and back that way.

Nice bit on way down to the Cherry Trees and a friendly hi to the lady jogging up the hill get a hi back for Paul and I, but a "Hello Dave" for dave - who has no idea who she was!!!! Must have been one of the ladies from the bums and tums class Daves been sneaking into....(don't see that on your training log!!!)

Saw some interesting options and footpaths we've not been on before so time to dig out those OS maps.....

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Thursday Intervals

With the canal still drained and blocked there was much debate and after the two rep out and back debacle on Tuesday the consensus was quickly achieved and we decided to go around the dam.

Km reps for the elite, or 3 minutes for the rest of us. 6 of those did not quite work out as I lost the plot when we were on the road and one of the reps kinnda merged into another. So I did my own thing and pushed through at what felt like faster than 5km pace.

Cleared the gas canisters and some - so that was something. Steve was complaining at the end that I set off quick on rep one and he tried to take me on rep 2 but that I kicked and held him back, the point then being I was "no-where" on reps 3 & 4. But I did 5 and 6 and the last one took me through the elite who acknowledge the perseverance of my efforts even if the sustainable speed is not there.

Got hailed on at one point when the temperature dived and then the sun came out. Windy too, with gusts against on the way back.

Did some wii fit yoga in the evening as feeling tight from Berko I guess and feeling the tightness in my calfs beinging to annoy me.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Tuesday Intervals with Rocket Lockets

Left late accidentally on purpose. After Berkampstead I was feeling in need of something less gut busting than the usual session at the canal - but I was strangely drawn in that direction cleared distance from the office to the start in around 11 mins.

I was perplexed to see the full brigade of Locket Rockets hammering at me after one bridge out in the opposite direction - had they finished already? Swift about turn and tucked in deftly between Karen and Martin. 75 on and 45 off. Because the damn had closed the canal further along they were going backwards and forward long the same stretch of towpath. Hmmm. That means nowhere to hide. And if you don't get to the back quickly on the recovery the elite get to overtake you on EVERY rep.

Lost count of how many I did. I think it was about twelve reps in all.

One interesting thing happened. As the might of the elite powered through one of the bridges where the gap is only one runner wide Mr Lockett himself crashed into a poor runner under the bridge and they became locked in a bizarre dance holding onto each other to avoid one of them going in the canal. This guy was miffed and complaining that we should go slower - the cheek - that'll be the day - we want to go faster not slower!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Berkhamstead Half Marathon

The boys all ready to go!

Having been out all week with a cold caught on Monday night this was the most radical of tapers ever. Zero running from one week out. Tuesday was a nightmare at work sneezing into my computer, worked from home on Wednesday, marginally better Friday, race organised the Hound and Hare 5 mile handicap (to stop me running it) then was pretty rough on Sat. esp. after swimming with my daughter. However after a progressive meal (different house for each course) with one glass of red I was thinking it might be ok.

By race day I was 85% and rising, so decided not take the run with Kenny approach and go for my stated 1h 35m target. Weather was perfect.

First school boy error was to leave my gel belt at home. 3 gels and £10 cash. Disaster, my wife was calling the cell phones but I'd put the phone in the boot and missed the calls. I've never run more than 10mile sans gel, but hey I was about to try.

Second school boy error was deciding to wear my gloves and then promptly leaving them in the car.

Having sent clear instructions on race kit preparation to the guys I was feeling pretty dumb at this point and nervous about going through 10 miles without any gels.

Kenny went to the middle at the start I went to the semi front and just before Dave went to the very front I bumped into Justin from Rocket Lockets, who was hoping for a sub 90 which Dave reckons he got.

I ran the first mile on Justin's shoulder and then let him go as he was too fast on the second mile for me. 6:25 and 6:36 took me down and out to the mile three hill which I slowed down for and cleared in 7:46 and through the leveling off the next mile was 7:14. I push a bit to get back to 7:14 and went through 5 in 35. OK so far.

Back down was 6:33 and then it was a slog back up through 7, 8 and 9 (7:51, 7:27, 7:24) and then mile 10 up past the Ashridge House I actually had to stop at the drinks stop to finish a cup of water.

Just before the turn into Ashridge I saw something like a ware wolf dart across the road at head height, then another right behind it. Turned out to be a deer at full stretch jumping the fence and road to get from a field to the Estate. Impressive and dangerous. Hear a scream behind me as another jumped through the race. Never seen that before.

Beginning to feel the carb out coming on and so dropped the heart rate from 165 (race) to 157 hard training and got some instant recovery which gave me the confidence to get going again. Boost at 10 miles as I went through in 71 and had I had some gels I'd have tried to squeeze out 3 6:15 miles but I made the wise choice and decided to keep that heart rate out the danger zone until the last mile. 11 was an enjoyable 6:51 down, 12 back up slightly at 7:37 and then finally I let rip at the 12 mile marker clocking a stonking 6:15 down to the finish. Some prat in a silver merc nearly runs over the guy two in front of me so I slap his bonnet - what a complete muppet. Suddenly it is race on - I guy comes past me half mile out, I tuck in behind him and he knows I'm there - he kicks for the line too soon and at the 13 mile point I change gear and cruise past him - we're both really motoring now and crowd are cheering - I think of those one minute reps at the canal and I can see the finish and I know I've got him - 100m to go I change gear again and uncle Garmin clocks me doing 4:34 min miles over the last 0.1 miles. Okay so I could have gone earlier - but hey remember the gel problem.

Well all that adds up to a new course pb of 1:32:54 and only 20seconds off my best ever half, set back in 2007. So all in all very pleased.

Dave was waiting for me at the end, he'd smashed the 90 with 87 and then we had a long wait for Ken to limp in over the line. He'd hurt his calf at mile 3 and then had to use the quad to lift his leg which in turn went at mile 10. Ouch. Off to the first aid for a gel pack and some TLC for him. Then a well deserved cuppa and cake courtesy of Dave to celebrate!

Top event, top day. Here we are after the race. You can just see the top of Ken's bandage.....