Well not quite. Uncle Garmin was beeping away refusing to find any satellites. So I stopped were the water jet is supposed to be (off today as too windy) and let it sort its self out while I tried to avoid freezing in the ice wind. It was so cold the splashes from the waves on the lake had frozen on the rocks, it looked like someone had covered them in cake icing!
Satellites finally locked on I needed another warm up before starting the inverted pyramid (4on 2off, 3on 1.5off, 2on 1off, 1on 0.5off, 1on 0.5off, 2on 1off, 3on 1.5off, 4on 2off). I decided on something today. Reps will from now on start at the statue of the naked lady between the water jet and the beach.
The Garmin instantly started whining about my lack of pace and told me to speed up, I should have accelerated into it rather than a standing start. I'd worked out the reps were going to be tougher out bound than on the way back as the wind was blowing towards Geneva. Sure enough, that's what it felt like. I felt comfortable on all the reps (probably too comfortable looking at the stats) but some glimmers of hope in there, like the very low heart rate (normally I race at 165) and some hint of speed on the second one on that came in at 3:38 pace. I was holding back on that one too.
The only point of note was the last rep. In the second last one I noticed I was closing on a lady in a blue top. I thought I could catch her on the last rep, with the full four minutes. I did catch her and she responded, but too late as I had engaged stealth mode by running in her footsteps so the first she knew of my move was when I went past. She came right on my shoulder for the rest of the rep, but each time she accelerated I had more than enough in the bag. I forgot about her and focused on trying to make it back to the naked lady statue, but the Garmin beeped stop about 75m short, but still even enough for my liking. Then the blue top lady screamed past going at my rep pace, but looking bemused at the fact I'd just stopped for no apparent reason. She looked around several times and then she herself hit the stop button as she drew level with the naked lady statue. Next time I'll just keep going to her end point!
So for those following this, I don't know what to make of the data, so I'll share it here and let you all comment constructively.

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