It was la mini foulee glandoise's last outing of the season, so something special was planned. Run in the mountains followed by a fondue.
On the way up to the buvette de la Barillette the rain turned to hail that was being blown horizontally. Scary drive up with bits of tree landing on the road and the waves of hail battering the car.
Paul lept out the car and ran up a close by hill while I sorted my kit out. He came back and excitedly annouced it was just like Scotland - zero visability, driving wind and horizontal hail!
We parked up and the phone rang. The rest of the group had decided to go back down the hill and run at the bottom then come up after their jog. So Paul and I were the only ones to have made it to the top. We decided to go for it and went out anyway. It looked nothing like this picture.
Paul spotted a cave so we went truly wild to check out the cave, where we sheltered for a bit. On the way there we saw two chamois.
We battled on to the top, past the giant golf ball (really it is the sky guide radar center for the airport at geneva), just after this point we stumbled across another chamois right in front of us. It jumped over the dry stone wall in front of us and vanished into France. It looked a lot like the one in this picture, but ours had bigger horns.
We took the steep path down and made it back to the buvette where by this time everyone else was nice and cosy by the fire. We got changed and had a great fondue and chat with the lovely people who run the club.
On they way down, we saw a magnificent red deer at the side of the road.
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