Sunday 7 February 2010

Premier Rolle

I was itching to get out. Last run was Fed 10miles race and I could feel the legs wasting away. Upper body is fine from moving boxes and putting together furniture and generally moving things around. But the legs....

Out the appartment and hit the "tourisme pédestre" tail at the exit to our appartment and followed it in the general direction of Morges to see what happened. The nearest wine place assured me it was now 8 above zero and felt warmer in the glorious sun. The path went left and I was not too keen on heading to the snow line today, so I took the Rte du lac and it did exactly what it said on the tin.

Past the castle out to the casino and then the tip of the port, past harp island, before heading up again and trying one of the little paths from the Grande Rue which took me to the kids school from where I headed towards the Secondary school to check out the running track and if it was accessible at the weekend. It is. Next to the track is a football pitch and one of the hoodies waved at me and said "Bonjour!". Another one appologised for nearly kicking the ball back to the pitch as made my way up the path the ball had strayed onto. Interesting cultural observation.

Found a brand new area of Rolle still being built on the Geneva side with a massive allotment site and went up about as far as the auto route before heading home along another "tourisme pédestre".

So that's two routes to explore on the next couple of outings.

On the last 100m I decided to pick it up from the 9min mile pace I'd been doing and tank it home, was glad I did as the kids were on the playground outside the flat so as I came into view they were cheering and shouting for me like it was the end of a race!

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