Saturday 27 February 2010

Gland, woods, hills and a rocket

I'd been trying to hook up with a friend of a friend since I got here and today we managed it.

We headed straight uphill right through the vineyard behind Stuart's house, as it might not have been steep enough to go on the road. First km was a struggle, but by the second I'd just go used to the 6% incline, which compared to some of the hills around here is ok. After 3km we turned as we had hit the top. The paths were ok, if a little muddy. Stuart was kind enough to go easy on me with the uphill sections, but he let rip on the downhills, I could just about keep up and any faster would have been dangerous with all the branches and roots lying around.

Nearly came a cropper as I was running alongside him when he called a sharp left into someone's garden while I'd committed my self to the more likely route of down the road!

We were chatting about running in London and it turns out Stuart is an ex-rocket, who knows Neil. How weird is that, he was there until 2006 so we only just missed each other, although I'm sure Stuart was more of a B kinnda guy.

We go past a sign that says Gland 2km and and I can see what I think is his place. His Garmin reports that we're under distance and so after checking out his hill rep hill we flypast the house and add on a little tour of Vich to get us up to 9km in 45mins. Not a bad easy run, considering terrain, conditions, and my general lack of training.

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