Friday 1 October 2010

Inverted Pyramid

Tough session in perfect conditions. Cool, sunny, not to busy.

4/3/2/1/1/2/3/4 minutes "on" with half the time just ran as recovery.

First 3min let me down, but other than that all was well inside TRP (7 min miles for 17 mins). So, now I need to cut out the recovery and keep it up for 73 more minutes!

In fact, it actually got easier. By the 3 and 4 on the second half I was going faster for longer, sure that is not supposed to happen. But it did.


Off to NY for a couple of weeks, so don't expect anything here for a while!

1 comment:

Jason said...

nothing to read, nothing to read, when oh when will I have something to read . . .