Dave wanted to show me his Gorhambury route, I've been on the first part of it before and recalled the gate that we are not supposed to cross before 8am. I was hoping to be challenged so I could pretend I only spoke French, but alas no-one except another runner and the kid on the bike on his way to open the gate at 8.
We went past this ruin, which is very impressive.

I nearly swallowed a fly at one point and Dave got one in his eye. Yuck.
Pushed on, but decided it was time to head home and not get over ambitious. Going too far would not be good. Unfortunately, Dave's calculations did not take into account the 2 miles more to get to and from his usual start point so by now I am looking for short cut everywhere are time is pressing.
We get back to the start point of the fred hughes race and I have an urge to run around the Verulam lake and insist on us crashing through the trees at the first gap which involves a few meters of nettles - ouch! - so then that means we need to stop to introduce Dave to the joys of instant relief with a Doc leaf. That works, it is not just an old wive's tale as he thought.
Comment of the day goes to Dave - "Nettles are not good for my award winning legs!". Nice to see the young lad is staying modest!
So round the lake out and steady back as nearly 9am. Get there on the dot, towel off and get my running kit swapped for my travelling gear and say goodbye to Dave. It's 9am and bother I'm 4th in the queue and there is only one guy serving. Didn't get the car until 9:35 and was last to arrive at forest pines in Lincon. 3hours and a smashed windscreen later I'm enjoying my first pint with the boys.....
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