Thursday, 13 September 2012

6.1m Bois de Chenes mini foullee

Good turn out tonight.

After the group loop, Yamik and I were the only ones officially up for the climb to the top. But if I was going Paul would pretty much be assured of coming and so did another kid.

Paul and Yanik led the way jumping over the horse jumps in the woods. We stopped talking on the way up and at the last super steep bit the other kid popped a blister on his heel and was in pain. I had him tighten his laces on that shoe and then he was ok on the downhill.

Paul set off fast and held a good 20m gap ahead of us.

At the very end, with about 500 to go I over took both Paul and Yanik, they both tried to come after me and Paul claimed it was "cheating" as I was not doing any sprints previously, but he could not hold the sprint. Yanik tucked in behind me waiting to pounce. I thought he'd get me in the last 50m so on the slight rise I put in a big ratchet to which he laughed and said very nice and let me go. At that moment we come over the rise and could see the rest of the gang waiting at the cars. They gave us a huge cheer as we crashed into the camp!


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