Monday 29 June 2009

Circuits turn into punchy reps and I'm offically injured

Two early shifts on the bounce at work and so I was in two minds about circuits tonight. It was so nice I decided to go anyway. But wait, this is a running blog I hear you cry! Hold on that bit is on its way.

Only elite out tonight were Jon 37min 10km Jones and yours truly. No sign of Kevin either. We duly paired up and predictably aced every session.

By the time the shuttle runs came it had cooled down nicely. Laurence announced the final "endurance" running event of the night would be teams of 4 running out to the far rugby posts and back. Some later research proves our estimate that it was 100m for one length spot on. Now for the twist. Jon and I get to run in a team of 2 and need to do 6 out and backs for everyone else's 3.

After a quick discussion we decided Jon will lead and we will do 3x400s rather then 6x200s each.

Jon paces the first set nicely and has built up a comfortable lead, which has diminished little by the time I hand back to him for rep two. One team in particular is making a big effort to make us work on the second round trip. Racing the fresh man is really making me work and think hard about the pace on the first rep. Needs to be fast enough to win, but slow enough to say with it on the 200 to 400m leg.

On the last rep Jon makes up the ground I've lost and puts me into the last 400m with a slight lead. I push out as fast as I dare and with, I think, enough left in the tank for the last 200m. Now I'm racing people who have done half the total distance and are just starting their rep. One guy goes for it, but I hold him on my shoulder to the turn at the posts. On the way back I can feel that I'm very close to level 5 and know I don't want to hit the maximum heart rate just yet. The teams are now going mental screaming at their men to go for it - I see Jon yelling at me that I need to go now as I'm being overtaken. How very dare they! For the third time in three weeks the Lockett Rocket gets let out: the arms pump a little faster, the legs respond, the lungs can't get enough oxygen in, everyone is going crazy, and I catch a glimpse of a grey top drawing level. Now! 50m out and I hear Malcolm Balk whisper "form wins over effort every time" and feel my neck relax and lengthen, then stride opens out a bit and the feet hardly touch the ground. I focus on the line, but I can see the pain the grey top's face and I know already that I have won. Only just, but what a race.

By the time I am done the left foot, ankle and inside shin are bothering me. My assumption that running on grass would be fine was wrong. By the next morning I can just make it to the station. Every footfall hurts. No more running for me until the Chase Corporate Challenge next Wednesday. If even then.

Update on Friday: Seems Thursday may have been the most painful day as Friday was slightly better. Tip from Mr. Sant on the toe rolls is helping as is the ice advice from Jean-Marc - merci.

So that's it for a while guys. Out injured - it's official.

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