Thursday 11 June 2009

Easy Westlake Westminster

Made it out today after having been out of running all this week due so a sharp, but mercifully short, dose of some kind of man/swine flu thing.

Skipped the reps and went for an easy one with tri suprimo Mark Westlake. Was a bit stickier and I would have liked for a short slow one. Lots of tourists and a tube strike forcing everyone overground kept us slow.

Only one interesting thing happened. Mark did not make it through the gap I left him on Millennium bridge as I squeezed between two community coppers and a kid. Well ok, I pushed the kid out the road (very gently, honest and hey he was a big kid) to make sure I got through, but he bounced back up like a Weeble and right into Mark's road. Opps.

Cleared the 4.19 miles in 30:56 which is 7:25 pace and that felt like we were crawling, so I think after another two more days recovery I might be able to hold that for a while.

Had the desired effect of clearing my head of vast amounts of snot and left me feeling much better in the pm.

Result! Rock on St Albans Half, another 9 miles at that pace would be a 1:36 half which I'd settle for!

ps I double checked and full fource running(his blog is here), aka Paul where are you Savage was nowhere to be seen at the canal today!

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