Thursday 18 June 2009

Thursday reps and bad Bob jokes

Again still not feeling too hot. Head still bunged up and having to cough up muck every once in a while.

After Bob's dip (see Tuesday's blog) there was much chatter about that incident. Poor guy had to go for a tetanus jab as he was cut in the canal's manky water. His mate filled us in that even his colleagues in NY heard about his dip. They added it as a new item on the management meeting agenda.

The banter was thick and fast:
Bob could not make it as he can't find his snorkel. (or speedos, goggles, swim cap, etc)
Anyone fancy a Bob set? 4 on plus 100m doggy paddle?

Jean-Marc was out as was Paul and Martin appeared up at the canal. I tucked in at the back.

Session today was:
3x 400 effort and recovery in 3mins
3x 300 effort and recovery in 2 and a half mins
3x 200 effort and recovery in 2mins

Felt ok by rep three so decided to mix it up and see if I could stick with Karen. Which I could. Martin flew on the first few, but by the 300s I was cruising with the middle group. On the last 300 there was lots of walking way from the start and trying not to lead the 2nd group so I decided to give it a go from the front. Even pegged back a couple of slower elite on the 200s which I was very pleased with, came 5th of 13 on each of those.

Struggled back at a very slow pace but recovered just before the office.

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