Wednesday 10 November 2010

20mins in the gym

It was raining and I was tired from yesterday's 20 lengths in the pool: btw that's my first 1km in the bag, now all I need to do is stop having to alternate 100m front crawl with 100m breast stroke and eliminate the rest between sets. After about half way I needed to switch to 50m front then 50m breast. Pool was packed and eventually I found a big guy doing front crawl just faster than me who cleared a path for me.

Anyway, I did not make to the gym with enough time to go outside so I went on the runner for 25 mins and focused on form and staying at a very slow 10 km per hour pace. The discipline of form and speed control helped pass the tedium of the treadmill.

Good set of stretching after and was pleased to note I seemed to be slightly more flexible than last time.

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