Tuesday 15 May 2012

4m Gully run

I fancied testing the tendon after 11 days of not running, but in order not to over do it I needed to go out with someone who would help keep me slower than I might otherwise be.

Gully fitted the bill and was free, so off we went. I showed him the bottom field and talked him into having a go at the airport hill. In the park a blond girl in a blue top and five finger shoes on overtook us at least once if not twice as she did loops of the park taking care to run on the grass as much as possible.

Just after the top, Gully's knee gave out and so we had to walk for a bit for it to recover. I hope there was no lasting damage done. Then we jogged down to the co-op. As we crossed the place des nations where the broken leg chair is and the water fountains leap out of the ground he took me through the water jets which was rather fun!

Perceived effort, none. Electronics none. Distance about 4 miles, time no idea. A no sweat run and the tendon on the right foot is fine as I write this.

Merci Gully.

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