Wednesday 2 May 2012

6.6m 2x 3km reps with Pierro

Out with uber elite Pierro today who was going for 12kms in about 43.

I decided to see if I could hold that pace for 3km recover then do another 3km at around the same pace.


And who did I think I was kidding. After a km or so I was ordered to run behind as we were on the narrow between the trees and the road. I tried so hard to stay there, but by Geneve plage there was already daylight between us and Pierro got to the turn a good minute before I did. Hi 5s as we went past each other for the first time.

I was seriously pleased to get to the half way point.

I recovered and had a look around. A very angry bloke was gobbing off down a mobile.  I waited for 4 people to go through thinking they'd do as targets.

First guy was done in seconds then a couple of minutes to catch the two guys running together. Last guy had pulled away, but then stopped. He was doing reps. I caught him on his recovery and after about one mile into the return rep he nearly caught me. 6:35 goes to 6:10 and it was enough. That pushed me back in 30 seconds faster than the out leg. Saw Pieorro again before shouting at one of the two ladies in front of me to get out of the way, just before we past each other for the final time.

Out leg was 12:19  Garmin

Back leg was  11:52 Garmin yippee that's sub 4m kms.....

Nackered at the end, easy jog home.

Niggle on the front of the right ankle, lingering marathon issue where I think the laces on the right shoe were a shade too tight.

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