Only Paul made it out after the last minute switch of day due to me going to Scotland today to drop off the kiddies at Grandad's. His first comment was to slag of my choice of kit, as being too hot. Gloves, hat and rainproof with long sleeve winter top.
Great new route opening up the joys of all things in the general direction of Symondshyde Wood. Headed out towards St. Albans, took a left turn towards Heartwood and stayed pretty much on the Hertfordshire way until we hit our first road. Slight disagreement on the route resolved by some old technology that I cunningly had in my pocket - a photocopy of a bit of the OS map. Ha I was right it is right.
We then went through a new farm and Paul talked me out of going too far in the direction of Brocket Hall - that would be more like 15-16, but one for another day. The whole area is saturated with footpaths to explore and we enjoyed the high content of new ground in the run. Held chatting pace most of the way.
The pace stopping is where we had to check the map!
Popped out of the wilderness at Wheathampstead having run parallel to devils dyke, thinking we were much further over. We solved the "too close to home" problem by going right up and over the top on the way home where I have not been for so long that counts as new footpaths for me. I also have only every done that area outbound never homeward. It's changed a bit with a new barn at one of the farms. Needed gel two here and struggled with the hill. Pace slowed and I recovered, notice the heart rate drift here. I need to watch that.
Final dip down and Paul took the lead and the stunning section came down very steeply through a field then some woods then suddenly right over an open ploughed field which was impressive with the dull grey clay soil framing Paul's luminous yellow top ahead of me.
He was right about the kit, too much. I was too hot. But still only complaint from a fantastic run.
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