It was a mad week. Race on Wednesday. Reps on Thursday. Long mid-tempo on Friday. Earlies on Friday and a black tie dinner at the Liberal Club that finished gone midnight - this was all taking its toll.
Didn't feel too hot on Saturday as the snivels and sneezing came back. Overnight I thought of cancelling due to the battering storm that shook the house and lashed the windows hard.
But by 6:50 it was ok. Ken and Dave were on the drive and Paul was there before my Garmin found a satellite.
Out on the roads via Wheathampstead to the start of the Greenway via Codicote Road, which was not great due to the traffic.
But then the Greenway was a joy all the way the the A1M. Cheer as we crossed over the motorway - another wee dream ticked off.
Into Sherrards woods and around and vaguely back to the bridge over the A1M. In Sherrards woods the leaves were thick over the sodden muddy tracks which made the steep downhills mental. I was mocked for my skip 'n' ski technique. Strictly come dancing was mentioned a few times.
However, as it became clear normal running was impossible in some places and a cry next to me was Ken in a thorn bush. The blood oozed down his compression socks and mixed with the mud. We were all in stitches and at walking pace.
After the bridge we made the call to take the decent into the Brocket Hall golf course. Much nicer running that in reverse as it was downhill not uphill.
Spotted the same two old guys running on the course as last time and the same green keeper.
Came back behind the house and plenty of Swan signs marked the Lower Lea Valley Through Walk. We took it all the way to Wheathampstead then home via the traditional footpath.
While Ken may have won the half marathon when I was ill, he was not looking to hot on the hills today. He was struggling when Paul and Dave pulled away and looked like he was really working. We had to stop for him a couple of times and I went back for him at 12 miles. The 13.1 mark ticked around. Hey Ken that's half way Mr. London marathon man. Ken was due to go up Crabtree so I got to pick up the pace and catch Dave and Paul. But right behind me by the time we get to Crabtree is Ken himself, grinning merrily as he's clawed back the ground to get to Dave and Paul.
Paul was strong as ever and from the edge of brocket hall headed the group to the end and dragged us all the way back to 8min mile pace and I did my bit to sneak some zone 4 7:30 pace at the end. Still 1:34 mins in zone 3 can't be bad nor can 2:04 for time on feet.
Talk of the Ken v Niall deciding meet being the Herts Cross Country Champs. With the series level at 1 event each, this could be a big event.
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