When Martin sent the last call for runners note out I was amazed, not just by the sheer length of the list of runners, but the quality in there.
I felt for Andrew, who having won the handicap race last week found himself starting second with 18 hounds behind him.
Also in the starting line up was the Savage from DB (the first ever non JPM runner) who had been emailing me since before I even got on the train to work about focusing negative energy into the race and how he was pumped up on punk music.
I had a concrete duvet experience this morning and could not get out of bed. I had a stinking head ache and was bunged up more than the vicks inhaler could shift. Been taking the pills to dull the pain and decided to run anyway.
Been thinking about trying to hold Chris Burfoot today, at least until I catch Mr. Savage which I hope will happen around the Green Park Hill. Somehow I traditionally have the edge on him on the hills and he normally needs about 10 miles before his superior endurance kicks in. Although the 30 seconds start he has on me is a big ask as over 10km I can only beat him by about a minute. Should really be a sprint finish decider.
Race report
Good bunch of guys at the start. I got some ribbing about my luminous yellow top, which I was rather pleased about as that reinforced the deception that I was running in a yellow top, when actually, just before the start I whipped it of and ran in my jp morgan vest - ha!
Predictably Westlake kicked my top when I put it on the ground, but like Paul I am pretty good with that negative energy channelling thing.
Some strides to keep the heart rate up and then Clive went, then Paul and 30 to me. I could see chris shivering and was glad to get underway. As soon as I turned the corner I accelerated out of sight of the start to try and put some gap between Chris and I and also to see if I could gain on Paul early.
After half a mile I dropped back to what I felt a more realistic race pace was. No sign of Chris. Caught a glimpse of a white top closing fast at embankment tube in the reflection of a bus stop shelter and assumed it was Chris.
It was Mark Westlake who overtook me on Whitehall Place in a manoeuvre that I can only describe as unorthodox. He claims it was a friendly pat on the way past, however I'm certain people have gone to jail for less.
I decided to try and stay with him and he didn't seem too happy about that. We ran side by side up the middle of the road towards Horseguards. The lights were against us, but the first two lanes were clear and we crossed that far then I spotted a gap after a lorry I thought I could just about squeeze through. I changed direction quickly and without warning timing the acceleration to just miss the truck. Mark nearly went over in the middle of the road as I'd cut across him. I'd completely forgotten he was next to me. I apologised profusely later. As I dodged tourists and cut through photo opportunities to find a way under the arch to the parade ground I knew Mark was with me from the colourful tirade following me. Mark turned on the class here and dropped me, just at the point where Chris normally does. I could see Paul now, just twenty ahead. I avoided the policeman at the st james park corner, but mark nearly took him out. Went wide along birdcage walk and tried to close the gap to Paul, but could not. Then Paul overtook Clive. Buoyed by that Paul pushed on and I stopped closing the gap. I think it may have increased on the Green Park hill.
The hollow after Green Park tube is exactly half way and the second half is downhill. I glance at the watch as it rolls over to 17 mins and I kick.
Clive is looking round and I mis-interpret his hand signals as a friendly wave.
Get past him and try to kick again to avoid him following me too closely.
Paul has stretched his lead back to 25-30 seconds and I'm digging deep to hold the pace let alone catch him. He gets over the Mall early and I think perhaps a shade sub optimally. Suddenly I am aware of contact and that spurs me on. I call my intentions and get rewarded by the hound behind calling the gap on the mall and we both cross on a nice diagonal line that gets me another few metres closer to Paul. The long drag along the Mall lays out the targets, but the hound behind powers past me and I have just enough to stay in touch for the length of the mall then he drops me just before the parade ground. But by now I'm so close to Paul - just half a road and closing.
On the parade ground I notice my shoelace comes undone and I can't believe I've made such a schoolboy error. Get through the tourists nicely again, but then disaster strikes. As Paul and another get to the middle of the road the lorry and bus are already nearly level with me and I think I can run out in front of them and just get over the road but the two mounted police have other ideas and the horse is positioned in front of me and the hand of stop raised right at me. Retie my laces and watch in dismay as the boys in front pull further and further away. There is nothing I can do about it. I take deep breaths and try to think the heart rate back down. I move more left and as the police take a look over their shoulder to see what is happening behind them I'm through a gap and wide past the next set of traffic just before they too block my route. At that moment I see the guys turn the corner. Takes me 30 seconds to get to where they were and I now have a mile from hell to peg them back. I seriously doubt I can get 30 back on Paul over one mile, given it just took me 4 miles to catch him. Gutted, I soldier on.
Next up is Andrew Stubbs who I can't speak to on the way past as now I am at red line pace so I give him a clap and he smiles and laughs as I go past. Paul is a little closer. Catch a reflection of someone catching me and push harder. I take the next junction roadside and shave another few feet off the gap. Then it seemed the gap stopped getting smaller and I was too far to catch Paul. I focused on form and lifting the legs a shade higher. Ratchet for home at 800m, 400m and full speed from about 200m out.
32:22 is my fastest time since March this year and a 35 second improvement over last month. 6:32 minute miles and 4:04 min kms for 5 miles or 8kms is pretty good and taking out the road disaster would put me in line for the magic sub 40 10km.
Paul crossed the line ahead of me, but not by much. He ran a great race and pulled out the effort when I threatened which probably had a lot to do with my good time.
Post Race Analysis
There was a big turn out and most people were good runners who beat their target time.
In terms of pure time, I came 3rd and Paul was 4th - I beat him by 11 seconds, but like I say he crossed the line before me, so well done Paul.
Westlake was massive and super pleased to have just beaten Alan Ginn's best ever time.
With almost 20 runners, we've decided to change the route. Too many people nearly died today. So from now on it will be 3 bridges and I'll be in Switzerland. The end of an era. So nice to finish on a high.
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