Martin, Paul and I met up for the Limehouse loop. Martin argued hard for the anti-clockwise route arguing it was easier due to cobbles or something. He then took us backwards (ie West instead of East) and then down through a building site.
Paul and I slowed to a stop as the footpath was completely closed, at which point Martin crosses the barrier ignoring the health and safety guy in a high visibility jacket and hard hat waving at him. A lovely side step and he is past the guy and dodging the digger he was being protected from. He then takes us to a duel carriage way with more traffic than I've ever seen and we need to use the green cross code to get over at some lights. By now Paul is fuming as his route has an underpass.
Best bit of Martins route is the wee blue lights in a tunnel full of mopeds then we're back on Paul's route sort of and heading down to the Limehouse basin. Over the footbridge and that's it we're on the end of the canal - a wee dream of mine achieved.
We switch around the leader a few times and I notice a drift out of the chat zone and start asking tell me about questions. Martin falls for it and chats away, but Paul is having none of it. You're only asking me to "tell you about..." so it is me that is talking. Er, well yup.
Made the 8.5 or so miles in 67 mins 43 seconds and given the wind I and recent activity, race, reps, long tempo - no surprise I am tired.
Might be more later, but off out for a black tie dinner so bye for noo.
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