Thursday 8 July 2010

6.2 miles and 60 francs

Disaster struck, I was so late for tenke I rushed to the lake side in my suit 10mins late. She was sunning herself and decided to wait for me and then we'd run in the direction of her place until I needed to turn back.

It was super hot and after we put the world to rights and vented our various gripes with the world Tenke suddenly dives to the ground like she is looking for a penalty or something, I miss a stride and then she's back next to me grinning like a Cheshire cat clutching 3 crisp 20 franc notes. She decides I get 20 as if I had not made her late she would not have made the find. Result!

I turn at the lights on the hill after 25mins and a red top tri type turns up ahead. He'd overtaken and we'd decided to let him go. Now, as he'd turned it was up to me to peg him back on the return leg. But with hrt up in zone 4 and the pace at 4:30 km / mins and reps tomorrow, I gritted my teeth and let him go.

Was gasping for water by the last km, stopped at the fountain for a big drink.

Ave, just under 8min miles, but the last one was way over after I jogged home focusing on form.

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