Thursday 9 December 2010

1km Swim - I am a yellow rabbit.

Today was a benchmark swim worthy of a blog.

I made the move from the wide lane with lots of mixed ability swimmers crashing into each other and dared to swim in the lane with the sign of a yellow rabbit. I assumed I should start off as a yellow rabbit as I figured the red rabbits would be torpedoes.

I got off to a stonking start, in the first 50m I overtook someone! There were about 8 of us in the lanes and I was going 200m sets alternating front crawl and breast stroke. One the 1st length of the crawl I forced my self to breath alternate side.

By the last 50m I was struggling, but it was ok. My fellow yellow rabbits were so fast they just accelerated around me and were gone with no dramas. The worst moment was the sprint finish I lost against the lady doing 5m back crawl 5m front crawl. But that kept the speed up right to the end. Just as I came out the pool my right calf cramped up. I was shattered.

So there we have it, after months of fafing around I finally made it into the lanes. I am now a proper swimmer. Je suis un lapin jaune!

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