Wednesday 15 December 2010

Swim: 1km Green Turtle today

There was a new lane at the pool today. They were tiny, but it was better. I started as a yellow rabbit and was trashed on the first 200m set, so slipped back a lane to the Green Turtle lane. Overtook three times, which was a nice feeling.

Matthieu came too today and he has improved massively. Before he was fading after 50m, but now he's right on my toes and he cleared 900m to my 1,000m today. That kept me going quickly as I really did not want him going past.

Final length I had a cramp in my left calf after over taking a lady who was just too slow at the trun and having to make a weird move to get past the lady and avoid the fat bald bloke behind me.

Was very tired in the evening.

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