Monday, 12 November 2012

7m Escalade Route with Tenke

Another nice day today, following a washout weekend.

I watch the star wars movies 1, 2 and 3 back to back with twenty dads and boys on Sat so was zonked all day Sunday and did another zero mile weekend.

Went out to meet Tenke lake side and was a shade late so I caught a glimpse of her, ran through the traffic to get lakeside and tried to catch her up as she lolloped along the lake side. I followed for a bit but I was not warmed up and she is very fast so I stopped and shouted.

By this time I was bent over double in an exhausted mess.

Tenke wanted to run the route of the Escalade so we did. I've never done it as I don't like loops and hills. I also found that don't like cobbles and really really can't be doing with all the hills and twists.

It's the Course du Duc for me!


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