Tuesday 28 October 2008

Tuesday Intervals

On Monday I turned to my laptop at work and did something very bad to my back around the left shoulder. Agony at lunch, had to stop on the way back to the office. Had some very strong painkillers on Monday night, seemed OK Tuesday am. Made the mistake of running for the train and fourth footfall sent it into spasm and I had to stop and watch the train go in agony (again). Eased up by the time I'd got into work.

Finally made up my mind to take the risk and do the Tuesday reps. Figured either would loosen it up or destroy it.

Set off in plenty time and was the first of 13 to make the trip up to the canal. Enjoyed the hot air vent waiting for the others and not being exhausted before the session had even started.

Today's session was a nice complicated favourite - Justin this is for you! Each set is done four times, so twice on the way out and twice on the way back. Each set is a seven minute cycle as follows. Run for four minutes, rest for thirty seconds, run for one minute and recover for ninety seconds.

Second rep was interesting as just in front of me about two minutes into the four minutes on cycle Karen's watch strap popped and she decided to stop and come back to get it, Justin was right on her tail and just manage to get round her - luckily he made a leap to the land side, if he had gone the other way he'd have been in the canal!

Shame no-one I knew saw me on the canal for the first two reps, I actually held the pace with the back markers. Nice. Problem with that is I could only just stay with them on rep three and by the fourth I had zero acceleration left and limped in firmly the slowest kid on the block.

Still making progress, kept with them for 75% of the session, not that bad.

Now, some may wonder how good the A team really are. Well, Tim did Amsterdam marathon in 2hours 51minutes. That says it all.

When is Jean-Marc cumming back? I'm sure I'll be faster than him now. What ever happened to Martin? Come on guys......

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