Sunday 13 February 2011

12.5m Nyon to Rolle

If I had been in England, I would have go for the big loop with these boys Harpenden Run, but I was alone in Rolle. Jason is still being creative in North America, Richard is lost in darkest Africa and Stephan refused to run as he had planned to drink lots of beer on Saturday night.

I caught the 8:12 train to Nyon and picked up route 4 all the way back from Nyon to Rolle.

It was a lovely morning up at 10C and the sun was a bright red ball in the whispy cloud that turned orange as the run wore on.

First surprise was Prangins where the route went right through the castle grounds! Then the Promenthoux which took in some seriously super rich properties and a little public beach. Next was the golf course which was not very busy, only one golfer but in lovey condition. The route through the course was great and was mainly in the woods. There was a posh lady on a horse in a padock being shouted at in English by a german trainer, which made me smile, typically Swiss.

I decided to take in the anti-tank defenses and ran to Gland following the line of concrete blocks next to the trees and river that make up the "toblerone line". At Gland station I stayed low and followed the traditional route 4 back to Rolle.

At least I was under 9 min miles (which I have struggled to achieve recently on long runs) and the last 5km  were clocked at 8 min mile pace which is respectable given the trails etc.


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