Saturday 12 March 2011

15.3m St. Prex and back

Another early run with Richard today. He was 4 minutes late.

But I was very happy to have the company and as he wanted a 24km run the 15miles to St. Prex and back fitter the bill nicely.

At the turn I made sure we touched the St. Prex sign on the pier. A lady watching us called out to say she was very pleased to see that we did not jump in as that was what she thought we were going to do!

I had talked Richard out of the lying down and rolling around he tends to do after 5km, but his tummy issues meant an enforced stop at the Plage des hommes in St. Prex for him to use the public facilities. Let's say I had done nearly an extra half km by the time he came out, then he proceeded to take several minutes folding his outer layer up - on purpose to annoy me - it worked well.

Lovely views of the sunrise over the lake with the old town of St. Prex framed by the mountains.

Then I nearly went over in the woods by the river Aubonne with my useless left ankle failing to cope with the stones and roots. I was touched with the concern Richard was showing me, but actually he was worried about how long it would take to walk back if I hurt myself as he had fireman duties up the hill at 9am....

At Perroy I mentioned Jason's sprint to the gates and how I felt we were more mature than that. I'd left it too late to bring it up as over 50m Richard can just about keep me at bay, so with 50m to go he sprints off - I can't close the 2m gap before the gate so he is very pleased with him self, well done Richard. Then he collapses in a heap and can't move again for about a minute, so I do a lap of the park. He is not too impressed and sprints off down the hill to Rolle at top speed. I need to pop out a 4min km to catch him (hence km 24 being the fastest) and then we jog to the cake shop for some well earned pain aux chocolat.

15.3 miles done, albeit rather slowly, but we broke the 9min mile barrier today which is something. Hrt stayed in zone 1 most of the time and I hit zone 5 on the race down the hill.


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