Friday 18 March 2011

8m with Zosia and Tenke

3.5 of us today, Tenke, myself and a special appearance by Zosia and her bump, due in April showing would be the understatement of the year. Zosia and bump decided to come along for the first section with us, which I kind of assumed would be easy....

I noticed we were closing in on the bloke up ahead. I joked that Zosia should sprint past him sticking out her bump and shouting come on guys keep up with us, but just overtaking the poor fellow with such a bump was probably enough to destroy his self estime!

Zosia declined the airport hill and disappeared into the lower field and Tenke and I make the climb up Airport Hill, taking in the upper field. I'm not so sure I like this habbit, but it does break the hill up, although the large down section in the middle of the up means more total up if you see what I mean. Two blokes submitted to the envitable and stepped aside near the summit to let us get past.

We didn't need to stop for a drink at the church and they've decided winter is over as the ice protector has gone from the fountain. Plently of people out running today, all looking pretty good and a high proportion of lady runners.

We did the big loop going right to the far woods over the top hill and then back round to the school. A couple, some nervous looking teenagers, stepped aside to let us get past. Tenke wondered what exactly they were going to be doing in the woods and if it was their first time, that cracked me up.

On the gentle climb back over the field to the church the funniest thing happened in a long time. A rather pretty, if well endowed lady was running towards us and there was a lot of bounce. I tried hard not to look, but as she drew level with us she look down at the bouncing bits, looked a Tenke and gave me a big grin and shrugged her shoulders. Tenke was sure she was just being impressed by our speed, but I think I know what was going on. Laugh a minute!

On the way down the hill we picked up a bit of speed, but not enough. As we came into Geneva the sun was up and the jet d'eau was practically straight up with no wind tail, footfalls closed. As if by magic our converstation stopped. After about a minute Tenke simply whispered "closing". I knew it already, but that meant we had to speed up. Ratchet one, still closing. Ratchet two, no change. Ratchet three, still there. I called it stay high to avoid the steps lakeside, but we had to take the next set to get under the road. We caught a glimpse of the scraggly old guy in a woolly hat behind us - "Was that it!" blurted out Tenke. Pressure off we cruised under the bridge and as we came up the steps we bump into our new friend - his woolly hat has a sweedish flag on it and all three of us burst out laughing. Classic.

Ave was just under 8min miles, but after a very slow start the last 4-5 km were done at faster than TRP.


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