Friday 25 March 2011

8m steady airport hill long variation

On my own today, but felt the need to take advantage of the sun - it was nearly 20 today.

I nearly swallowed a bee on the way around the top field. I felt this hairy thing in my mouth and spat it out quickly and it bounce around the path. I was very lucky not to get a sting.

Overtook a few people on the hill and plenty of elite looking people out today. I figured out how to greet them and get a response. Just lift a finger of the right hand and nod slightly. That way they can reciprocate without breaking the rhythm or talking, even a "Salut" or "Bonjour" would divert too much energy away from the training.

Saw two people twice, weird to overtake the same person more than once, but I guess my loop is longer and my pace is faster.

Comparing today's run with the same one done recently compared to a month ago I'm 10 bpm to the good and 2 seconds per mile faster!

But still today's pace of 7:49 would have only returned a 1:40 half, but still ok. Skiing this weekend, so not much running until next week.


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