Friday 10 June 2011

5.5m easy airport run

Had planned to do reps around the bottom field, but drinks till late at the floating bar on the lake last night mean neither Aurelien nor I were in any fit state to do any serious work.

So we looped around the bottom field, then the top field, enjoyed the view, nattered in French and English and generally enjoyed being outside.

There is a fountain in Pregny which is right next to the terrace of a bistro and we both needed a drink so there we were slurping and huffing and puffing away when I noticed a rather annoyed customer of the place glaring at us as our heads were 20cm apart and we'd just gate crashed their lunch!

Pace was snail like and the highlight was running back down from the top of the airport hill directly to the office passing all the UN buildings and the Russian embassy which was on high alert for something.


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