Friday 10 August 2012

7.2m including 4x1km reps

It was very hot and sunny today.

The fete de Geneve is still going on so both the left and right banks of the lake have been transformed into a massive fair ground for rich people. 6 francs for a ride? I'll pass.

The heat was made all the more heady by the smell of street food being prepared everything from hot dogs and pasta to candy floss and bonbons was on offer. 

Grandstands were set up for the fireworks this weekend and there were too many people.

Found Tenke zipping around the Jardin Anglais as planned and we had to get beyond the baby plage de Geneve before there was enough space to do anything.

I had in mind 1km reps and so we agreed to do 4, 2 out and 2 back.

It was awful. Tried to hold the 4min km pace and was gutted each time the 4m were up and I seemed to have not managed the 1km.

But actually it turned out I was not doing 4mins on as I thought but 1km reps by distance. 

3:57 for the first one
3:57 for the last

So considering we were tired from Wed's race, that was ok I suppose.

Jogged back and took a cold shower to try and cool down, which worked for a bit. 

That was pretty intense, although Garmin only rated it as 3.7 effort.


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