Wednesday 12 May 2010

3m Rainy Recovery

Weird day. Was dry when I walked to the gym, but by the time I got to the street it was raining hard. Like a grey day in London I forced my self to run out to the edge of the lake. Gave up on that plan and switched to running next to the buildings heading towards the Park Eaux-Vives where the perimeter trail is sheltered by large trees.

Passed a woman under an umbrella smoking a fag and she smiled at me as if to say, well my excuse for being out in this lashing rain is that I'm addicted these things, why are you out?

Well I'm out because I needed a recovery run, easy leg spin after the race. Felt fine, only slight tiredness was after the climb to the top of the park. Trail was indeed dry under the canopy and nice and bouncy underfoot.

By the time I was back at the gym I was so wet I had to wring out my top!

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