Thursday 20 May 2010

5m easy run, with Railway bridge

To get out the wind today I decided to head for the river side trail and the park on the far side of the Arve took my fancy as I have never been there before.

Having explored the Jonction area I confidently went through the bus stop over the bridge and turned right to into a massive area where rubbish trucks dump their contents into river barges. They have a thoughtful pedestrian route through the truck area into the forest on the far side. Not long in and the path has gone, washed away completely and I can no-longer ignore the "danger de mort" messages and the graphic sign of a guy falling to his certain death in the river. I double back.

I catch a glimpse of someone walking over the railway bridge. Suddenly, I just know I need to cross that bridge.

Find something that looks like a path that might head up. I take it. Climb over a tree blocking the path. It gets steeper. Then steeper. I cannot run, I cannot walk. I crawl, knees on the mud, careful to keep three points of contact with the ground I scramble up the mesh net that stops the hillside falling into the river. At the top I reflect on how stupid that particular climb was. At the top, I find a zoo. Run around the park and eventually find a brand new foot path that switches back and fourth to the railway and over I go.

Had a Livingston moment as I hit the bridge, I felt like I'd found the source of the Nile! Three things:
1) the colours of the Arve and Rhone joining, perfect viewing place from here
2) a heron dived at me and went over the bridge but under the railway wires just in front of me
3) a train came over the bridge, to prove it really was a train bridge

Back down to the trial at the sewage treatment plant and along the normal tail home.

Note to self: check if high route home possible with out going down steps at works.

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