Monday 31 May 2010

4m easy, Parc Eaux-vives

I admit I was tired and did not feel like going today, which was exactly why I needed to. Stiff and sore after the swim on Sunday, jumping off massive rubber rings and then borrowing a friend's paddles for a couple of lengths took more out of me than I thought it did at the time. Plus, two late nights in one week is beyond me.

So, hobbled along the prom to the car park underpass and back to the park. I even let someone over take me and did not feel compelled to chase them down. As I was running "free" of all electronic devices I enjoyed that freedom and picked my route through the park to be as pleasant as possible and eased up the hills without any need to race to the top.

Stumbled across some guy doing his laces in the trees so had no choice but to go past and then, of course, mr stripy top decides to race me down the hill. Hmm. Before too long I'm crashing through the trees at 10km race pace and scream past some jogger deftly to leave him in the path of the hunter behind me. Wait until the last moment before taking a route I'd spotted through the under growth to avoid a confluence of dog walkers. That probably won me a 20s and was more than enough to get me out of the park. The hunter kept going around the park and the prey headed home, back down at super easy pace.

During my stretching ritual amongst the office workers soaking up the sun and munching their lunch, who lollops past at super easy pace? Mr. stripy top. Come on, what was all the fuss in the park about then?

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