Friday 14 May 2010

5m and another 1,000ft

Richard from the 1,000ft debacle in Prenovel got me on facebook last night and as he needed to get a brick session done today he agreed to cycle down from his mountain hideaway and go for an easy run with me.

Te he, I fancied my Signal de Bougy route and since I knew Richard was into hills I said nothing, but headed up.

Garmin died so no idea how long it took us, but did get there much more easily than back on Valentine's day when I last did it, check out the hill profile here.

At the top we did a couple of loops of the field, with some pursuit fartlek to make it more interesting. Then we slalomed and skipped our way back down to Rolle.

Richard came in for a breakfast and after some class unrepeatable fellowship with the kids he is now definately part of the familly!


Paul said...

Yet again another "Garmin died" run. So when are you going to splash out on a watch that actually works?

FitScottishBloke said...

Once it never starts, hoping that it keeps going until my birthday....