Thursday 2 September 2010

3.5m Easy run

Easy run. All about the recovery from the race the night before.

As if sent to slow me down a very tall lady with a blond pony tail wagging behind her was just in front of me. She was totally skinned up, but the full expense of nike's best kit was not doing anything for anyone at that pace.

No matter how hard I tried, I could not go as slow as this lady. Before the Jardin Anglais was past, she was behind me.

Caught a group of ladies in the trail round the park. They actually walked up the first hill, which put an end to my little plan of screaming past them on the steep section. The small injection of pace and the mental image of overtaking in the woods moved me from easy run to race pace - it was only 200m later as I noticed I was crashing down the hill at less than 4min kms I remembered that it was an easy run. Drifted back to something more sensible and eased home. Streching by the lake in the sun was the highlight of the day.

Garmin Details

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