Monday 2 July 2012

6.1m Airport hill

This time light rain and almost cold with grey skies. I was determined to try and get a decent time knocked out around the hill.

Through the botanic gardens I over took a bloke and then after the bottom field loop I got to overtake him again on the hill. As I closed him down I listened to his heave breathing and the slap slap as his feet crashed into the road. I tried to make my footfalls as light as possible in response.

Uneventful to the top and down to the forest where I took the paths to make the kink in the woods. Stopped to get a drink just before the big carpentry place and then slogged it out up the hill. I spotted one person ahead and then she over took a group of 5 and so I pushed after them and spent the next half mile picking them off. Last two turned right after the American mission, so technically I did not catch them.

On the way down I was pleased with the last mile that came in at a respectable 6:40.

Shade disappointed not to be faster over all, but it was another good workout according to Garmin, 4.4 out of 5.

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