Tuesday 10 July 2012

6m Airport hill

Slight rain at the off and by the time I hit the botanic gardens I was appreciating the rain and trying to go a bit faster. Over took a couple of runners in the bottom field and noted with glee that mile one was 7:56 so under 8 already!

But the hill killed me again. 9:16 to the top leaving me with 72 seconds to recover over 4 miles, which I did manage.

After the hill on the way down to the woods I over took a group and then was pleased to find that although they took the straight path through the woods and I did the kink I was still ahead when I came out the kink!

The rain had stopped and it was muggy. I found it hard back up the hill. I challenged that thought and relaxed  and imagined being pulled up the hill by a wire attached to the lamp posts. That kinnda worked as I also thought more about form and focused on light and mid sole footfalls.

Last mile I let go and used the gravity to pull me down the hill and before I knew it I was flying along at 6:30 minute mile pace. Felt great and was the most enjoyable part of the run.

Ave pace overall was 7:51, but that last mile was a stonking 6:39 min mile pace.


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