Monday 16 July 2012

6m Airport hill, signs of progress

Tummy upset on Friday and a light cold and lack of sleep conspired to keep me distinctly off the trails and roads this weekend. Zero miles achieved.

So, effectively 4 days rest combined with a pleasant 20 degrees meant that I there was just a slight chance this would be a decent run. I got around the bottom field overtaking a few people and hit the hill with a lady just in front who was closing hard on a group of three 100m ahead of her. I reeled the lady in and caught her, just as the group realised she was going to catch them and as they moved to get out of her road they had to re-adjust again as I went through.

At the top of the hill I was sure I was not too far off a couple of good miles and so I tried to hold the effort and on the 3rd mile, which is downhill I made good progress and clocked a 7:15 mile. Did the kink in the forest and noticed that the benches that were marked with an orange arrow had now all been lifted, a concrete base created and then the bench stuck back down on the concrete bases. The Swiss know how to look after a trail and love their concrete.

Stopped at mile 4 as it was now too hot. I drank at the fountain and the hrt recovery was fast and felt good. Let myself enjoy the moment and then did the slog up the hill to the fountain restaurant. On the last mile down to Nations two targets present themselves ahead. One was easily caught just before the US mission, but the second was faster and crossed the road before the steep decent. I counted him through several lampposts and was pleased to discover each time it was less - 20, 12, 8, 6 got him!

That probably explained the 6:20 last mile! Cheered me up no end.


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