Wednesday 28 March 2012

6.5m le Rhone

One the way out I decided to see how far down the old Rhone tails I could get. Not far was the answer!

I set of slow, trying not to overtake the guy in front of me. I could not go that slow for long. I cracked after a mile an a half and speeded up to TRP.

Super sun shine and light breeze made for perfect conditions. After 3m I turned for the way back having only just got past the quai de sujet where the barrier of the le Rhone is. I came back behind the old hydro electric plant and through the restaurant on the island. Both bridges are finished and the trams now have their own private bridge - very nice indeed to see how my taxes are spent.

Behind the old hydro plant I noticed that in the light wind the jet d'eau is perfectly aligned with the back wall of the factory.

Tried to hold back a bit on the return and keep the pace nearer TRP.

Ave. pace 7:58 - that'll do!


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