Saturday 3 March 2012

10m Perroy, Grande Gordanne, Aubonne river, Allaman Plage

With both Steve and I back from various ski outings and the weather being perfect the stars were aligned for out first meet up.

Dawn was another spectacular affair with a bright orange ball creeping over the mountains and flooding the lake with a multitude of colour -  framed magestically by the pastel cloulds and watery hues of the hills and mountains. If any motivation were needed for getting out there, that was it!

I did not want to be late and so was all set a shade too early, but set off anyway thinking a couple of loops around Perroy would not matter. However, as I approached the town I guy came down the road towards me and sure enough it was Steve. Great to finally meet up having been only communicating online until now. He saw me from his balcony coming through the vines!

Steve offered to take me on an alternative route to Allaman, staying high and that was great as it now means many more options on the out and back legs for the St. Prex route.

At my mile four Steve hurt his calf crossing the road which brought on some cramp, but thankfully it seems to be minor. However, it did mean we came close to the Ken school of easy running!

Back up to Perroy and Steve headed home.

I picked back up to TRP for the last 3 miles. No problem. And thanks Steve for the company and the new route!


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