Monday 19 April 2010

3m 20mins tempo

With all the slow stuff over the weekend I needed something fast, but with more miles in the legs over the last 7 days than I'm used to - I've racked up 48 miles with out really trying - I could feel the legs were tired. So increase the speed reduce the milage.

Warmed up properly today by steadily accelerating to the naked lady statue going past her close to target pace for the 20 mins of speed work I'd decided to do today. Simple 10mins out 10mins back with no recovery.

Felt far to fast over the first bit, but got it under control quickly enough and bounced around trying hard not to focus too much on the Garmin and just run at what felt like much faster than normal, but not right up at race pace. Did not settle until after the first mile, which at point I was very disappointed to see it had taken me just over 7 mins. Still into the wind, so picked it up safe in the knowledge I've have the wind behind in 3 mins. Turned on 10mins as planned an made a point of forcing myself to go faster than before and sure enough the same effort yielded more speed. Happy days.

I felt there was more in the bag and made a big push to clear the next 5 mins stongly pretending to myself there were only 5 left. Next the Garmin beeps the 2nd mile and I know I am nearly there. Get past my start point with 2 whole minutes to go and I pretend it is a race and sprint through the last minute flat out. Nearly make it to 3 miles (2.94). Jog home and am glad to see the hrt drop quickly.

So, 7:07; 6:48; 6:30 increasing speed and steady straight line heart rate drift up to max. 10mins in zone 4 and 10mins in zone 5. For about 2 mins before the turn I found that magic pace just at the top end of zone four where I felt comfortable and held 154 as my hrt with no drift. Interestingly, that pace was 6:52. Hold that for 90 mins and it is a sub 90 half!

Right. I need a rest day.

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