Thursday 22 April 2010

6x4mins off 90s

Reps today and decided to reduce my normal 2mins recovery between the 6 4mins on session to 90 seconds.

Out bound into the wind and as I was on my own it was hard to force the efforts out. Wind against outbound but no excuse as the Garmin proved I did not get out of zone 4 until half way through rep 3.

I guy in a red top kept overtaking me on the recovery and then I would overtake him on the on. Made it as far as the start of the lake side hill and did the recover on the up hill so the downhill would be on the on! So rep 4 was start downhill and wind behind. Disappointed to only just sneak under the 4min km mark at 3:57 but it felt better.

5th felt good (and was under) I tried telling myself it was the last one but any fool could tell there was at least 3 more kms before Geneva, so it did not really work.

Last one I noticed something release on the right shin and suddenly that side felt very light and bouncy, so I almost made it back to the naked lady but came up 50m short. So only two under 4min kms and ave. 4:04 min/kms. I think this is more a function of no Tenke to speed me up or Ken running me down rather than a lack of fitness. That sesson should have been all about zone 5, but only spent 10mins there with nice recovery that just got me back to zone 3 in time to start over again

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