Wednesday 28 April 2010

7.3m steady, but hard on the hills

By the time I left the gym I had no idea how to use the lovey day with the sun shining and a distinct lack of Tenke to keep me fast.

So I plumped for a "steady" run, no messing around and aimed to do 30mins out and then turn. The woodland path up by the airport seemed like a good plan and only the killer hill would present any problems.

Pleased with how the hill went. Was focused all the way up and stayed on the road, rather than ducking into the park which is less steep but with a dip so total climb is more. They guy in the yellow top did that and he was pretty surprised to have seen me 100m behind him at the bottom of the hill and then I got to the top just ahead of him.

Some serious guys at a short 50m track doing mega reps grabbed my attention.

Headed down to the end of the field and did the small woodland trail then headed home.

Three guys came out the park just ahead of me and were speaking English, I think they were pretty surprised when I over took them skipping and frollocking down the hill at top speed.

I'd warmed up nicely and was now focused on holding the "steady" pace all the way home.

Messed up the crossing at the Botanic gardens and missed the underpass, so had to cross a road and then the WTO building was all secure on the left and had construction work on the right so frustratingly I ran roadside for a while until I found a path down to the works and jumped the fence to get back to the lake side park. Won't make that error again.

Felt great. Loved the downhill. Held the home pace on the flat at 7:45s with overall time out was 58mins for the 7.3m making ave pace 8min miles, but remember the hill mile took me 9mins!

Anyway the heart rate was maily zone 3, drifting into 4 on the hill and the last section. But very comfortable.

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