Tuesday 27 April 2010

4.6 miles acceleration run - Botanical gardens

The idea of this run was to go out steady and gradually build up to a strong pace getting significantly fast on the home run.

On the way out a tubby bloke in a Man United top was jogging towards me soaked in sweat and doing 10 min miles. Two thoughts and I only just managed to keep them both to myself. Thought one "Chelsea!" in a London accent, thought two "Grrrross plein d'soupe!" that's for my French speaking Tintin fans.

Well it kinnda worked out ok today. 8min mile out to the parks, 8:17 though the second with the hill and then 7:45 to make sure I was homeward bound by 20mins and held it accelerating to 7:32 then hammering the last half mile at to finsh the last bit at 7min mile pace, which actually felt rather quick. Over the bridge I reached 3:32 minute km pace which was fun.

Just drifted through zone 3 for the second half with the big effort at the end taking me through the 4th and just into the 5th for a couple of minutes.

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