Saturday 14 January 2012

11.75 Aubonne and Buchillon

Freezing cold this morning and a hint of a lie in. Lovely breakfast prepared by my daughter and then she had some homework lined up and I had a long run in mind.

With the official Ninja gear in the wash somehow I recreated the look with more black gloves, black hat, black pants and black top.

Set off thinking 45 minutes out and then I turn. Felt too slow at first so focused and got the hrt up to a decent level and told myself the freezing wind whipping down from Signal, then down from Valais was what was holding me up.

I got some respite from the killer wind in the woods next to the Aubonne river, which was in full spate. I saw two birds in mottled white and black swooping over the white water demonstrating their air superiority. The riverside path had shafts of light penetrating the leaf free trees and that plus the shelter warmed the run. But the speed fell off as I ducked and dived through the fallen trees and tried to stay upright on the stony, leaf covered, twisting trails.

At the Aubonne crossing the gate has lost part of the handle for opening it so I had to climb over it. Last time I had to do that I snagged part of me on the wire, so I carefully placed my hands on the wire and vaulted it without risk of snagging in both directions.

Looped around Buchillon and then headed back via Allaman village and home from Perroy with the wind and sun on my back. I could feel the ice melt on my kit as the sun shone down. That explains the two seven minute miles at the end (which I am rather chuffed about).

Ave pace, 7:57. Just under TRP so happy days. That's 39 miles this week and all at or under TRP, I think this counts as a long week!


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