Friday 13 January 2012

7.25m with the elite women

Emma had just flown in and was jet lagged.
Tenke had simply not run for a while.
I'd had a great week's training in the bag and bounced down to the lake and whipped out along the lake going at a decent clip to keep the cold off me.
Tenke had requested a non-tarmac route and I think I did as well as I could have.
When we met up Tenke burst out laughing at my kit. Black top, black tights, back skull cap and black gloves. The comment was "You look like a Ninja."
Bah humbug. Hat and gloves were 10 quid from wiggle and less than 69 swiss so they came through customs vat free both sides - yippie! At least I was warm as it was freezing. The ice cold air ripped at the lungs as the effort kicked in.
I explained the route and the ladies seemed happy enough with it although given they'd started in Plainpalais and Tenke had to be back for a meeting there was some flapping from the usually cool customer.
We crossed the road and hit the airport hill and decided to skip the bottom field and go straight up. There was a lady up ahead and I mentioned that we really would need to get past her before the top field. She was 100m out. Just before the top I caught her with Emma and Tenke egging me on - she'd had to walk a few steps at the top so I'm not sure if that still counts or not. Into the park and by the Châteaux de Penthes I realise something very odd. I am IN FRONT of Tenke. This is rare. Unheard of. I am enjoying it. Tenke says, "when will we turn back, I need to get back soon." Emma huffs and puffs. Tenke says "Niall, you're killing Emma". We get to the top and Tenke says to Emma "He's not usually this spritely".  I smile. These comments are all such a sweet encouragement for me and I cherish them. The ladies turned back at the first little forest and I set of for the far woods feeling on top of the world. So happy I looped back to make a figure of 8 and turn the 6 mile loop into a 7 and a quarter mile loop. Even managed the last mile in under 7 minutes.
Top run and that's 27 miles in 5 days and ave pace is well inside TRP. Can't be bad, although I need to do 26 back to back on race day at that pace!


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